
  • Yurii Volodymyrovych Dolzhenko



anthropology, Ukrainian, village, craniometry, cranioscopy, craniophenetics, morphology, human skull, biological factor, admixture, racial type


Studying the anthropological composition of the population of the 17th – 19th centuries in the territory of Ukraine is an important link in researching ethnogenetic processes in our country. The questions of the formation and anthropological composition of Eastern Polissia Ukrainians in the 17th – 19th centuries, as well as its further development, still remain relevant. This article is devoted to the publication of a craniological series from the territory of the cemetery in the village of Vypovziv. The anthropological materials – of the 17th – 18th cent. that we collected are mainly well-preserved human skulls. There is a total of eight skulls in the collection, including three male skulls and five female skulls. The basis of the study is the principle of objectivity; general scientific anthropological methods (analysis and synthesis) were used. The skulls were measured using a full craniometric program following the standard R. Martin’s method, according to which the numbering of the features was indicated. The software for the implementation of multidimensional analysis was developed by B. and O. Kozintsev in 1991. The purpose of the work is to introduce new craniological data into scientific circulation, to give an individual and general description to the inhabitants of the village Vypovziv in the 17th – 18th cent. According to the average values of craniometric features, the male part of the series from the village of Vypovziv can be attributed to a moderately broad-faced Caucasian variant, a brachycrania can be considered a specific feature. On average, the male group is characterized by a very short length, large width and height of the skull. In the group, exclusively brachycranial morphological variant is present. As a whole, the male group belongs to the large Caucasian race with signs of a certain minimal miscegenation, which was manifested by the brachycranial index of the skull.


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