


linguistic picture of the world, linguistic personality, symbol, archetype, archetypal symbolism, image, idiostyle


The article examines the linguistic picture of the world of V. Stus from the point of view of archetypal symbolism. The content of basic concepts is clarified. Symbols-archetypes are considered in the context of conceptology and linguistic stylistics. The study is based on O. Ivasyuta’s classification, which provides a three-component typology of symbols: genesis, semantic, and functional. The dominant symbols are identified and the peculiarity of their functioning in the poetic discourse of V. Stus is traced. The semantics of traditional and individually authored symbols is highlighted, their structure is analyzed, attention is paid to the meaningful national-cultural component. Archetypal symbols in the Ukrainian poetic tradition were studied, thanks to which the durability of inherited prototypes was formed. It has been observed that the most characteristic of V. Stus’s speech style are the archetypal symbols Motherland, Mother, people, love, road, home, will, time, each of which forms the corresponding images of the national and cultural sound. It has been proven that in most cases, symbol and image are interchangeable concepts (if the objectivity of the image and the depth of its content are combined in the structure of the symbol). Attention is drawn to the symbolism of national realities in the aspect of ethnoculture. It was found that language signs, which have the ability to enter into a wide variety of associativesemantic connections, participate in modeling the linguistic picture of the writer’s world. The features of the author’s modification of archetypal images under the influence of extralingual factors are traced. It has been observed that the inner experiences of the lyrical hero, his existential attitude, give rise to new associative-metaphorical models, expanded syntaxes, etc. Phrases, which are perceived as a separate poetic reality, often appear as emotional motivators of positive or negative moods in the poetry of V. Stus. Attention is drawn to the ideological and aesthetic content of the illustrations, which are a kind of reflection of the era. A conclusion is made about the author’s poetic dictionary as a worldview, national, literary and artistic concept.


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