


anthroponym, onym, poemonym, pseudonym, semantics, Vasyl Shklyar


The article analyzes the anthroponyms found in the artistic work of Vasyl Shklyar “Black Raven. The Leftover”. The functional load of poemonyms in the artistic language of the analyzed work is outlined; the semantic characteristics of the proper names of the characters revealed in the text of the novel are presented. It has been found that the onomastic space of the analyzed work of Vasyl Shklyar is an expressive component of the depicted contemporary events, which realizes the figurative structure and reproduces the writer’s authorial manner of language creation. It was found out that a special place in Vasyl Shklyar’s novel “Black Raven. The Leftover”, among all the linguistic means used by the author for the artistic design of the work, is the name of the heroes - anthroponyms. This is a widespread system of onyms, each of which has its own lexicalsemantic properties. All components of the anthroponymic system of the work, especially nicknames (pseudonyms), were constructed by the writer as a result of a creative approach in covering of real events of the UPA period. Thanks to the skillful use of his own names and nicknames in the analyzed text of the novel, Vasyl Shklyar achieves brilliant perfection in portraying the subtlest nuances of the inner world of the heroes, achieves unique results in the characterization of the characters. Having outlined the functional load of onymes in the artistic language of the analyzed work of Vasyl Shklyar, we researched the poemonyms we discovered are characterized by polyfunctionality. Yes, the leading function of the mutes in the novel “Black Raven. The Leftover” is nominative. It serves first of all to identify the object, which is actually designated by one or another proper name. As a result of our research, we discovered a significant number of onyms, some of which play a leading role in the plot of the work, that is, they are used the most widely; others – create the background of the story (toponyms and other categories of onyms), so they are marked by less active use.


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