


anthroponym, oikonym, hydronym, peripheral onima, literary and artistic name, connotation, metaphor, linguistic and cultural aspect, onomastylistics, poetry by Maria Mathios


The article analyzes the literary and artistic onyms (anthroponyms, theonyms, agionyms, oikonyms, hydronyms, horonyms) of the collection of poems by Maria Matios "The women's arcanum in the garden of impatience". The onymic metaphor is studied as one of the key ways of the functioning of figurative names in the text space. It has been proven that poemonyms as a relevant component of an artistic text are endowed with a significant emotional, expressive and figurative potential, the realization of which is provided by their ability to be semantically reinterpreted, develop an associative background, undergo conotonymization, on the basis of which lexical stylistic tools, in particular metaphor, are formed. The process of conotonymization of proper names, units that belong to the proper vocabulary, are called a single object, but acquire a secondary connotative meaning. Arising in the process of metaphorical functioning as onyms of figurative nomination, they become lexically meaningful and enriched with referential connotation. Names that gain symbolic meaning in the poetry of Maria Matios are singled out. A symbol is a form of expression and transmission of the spiritual content of culture through certain material objects or specially created images and actions - signs of this content. The symbol is not the most deeply analyzed in the context of culture, since culture itself is a thin and interconnected web of symbols as a means of expressing human meaning and human relationships. It is emphasized that over the course of thousands of years, people's imagination and historical experience change, poeticize, make legendary events and circumstances, but leave the symbolic words-names and the real fame of their bearers unchanged. The identification of the symbol as an onomastic sign is also specific. The symbolism of a proper name is closely intertwined with connotativeness and associativity: association is always the basis for the birth of a symbol, and the symbol itself often becomes the heart of a conotonym. Emphasis is placed on the artistic specificity of the poemtonyms of the collection of poems by Maria Mathios "The women's arcanum in the garden of impatience" as elements of an individual author's picture of the world.


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