language, language personality, verbal environment, teacher's professional training, primary school teacherAbstract
The article examines the process of language personality formation in the conditions of professional training of future primary school teachers. It was found that language personality is a combination of the speaker's language competence and speech activity, the desire for creative self-expression, free, automatic implementation of versatile speech behavior. It is characterized by an understanding of the social functions of the language, constant enrichment of the active dictionary, conscious assimilation of the grammatical structure, phonetic, rhythmic and melodic features of the Ukrainian language, awareness of language as a fundamental substance in the system of cultural values of man and society. A person as a linguistic individual absorbs information about the natural and spiritual environment and realizes his spiritual potentials precisely in the process of creative addition to the cultural heritage. In the complex of problems facing the higher pedagogical school today, a special place is occupied by the preparation of students for practical activities. The future teachers must have the most up-to-date knowledge, acquire thorough practical competence, and develop creative qualities. This especially applies to the training of primary school teachers, because the primary level is the main one in the general education system. It is emphasized that nowadays in the context of linguistic didactic and linguistic methodological questions of modern Ukrainian language education, the components of the linguistic personality are important: linguistic and communicative social requests, motivational needs and perfect competences; thorough language knowledge and mobility of their use; linguistic consciousness and self-awareness of linguistic Ukrainian personalities; national cultural conformity of the linguistic personality; knowledge of concepts and language signs of national culture; language ability and language ability; language sense; language taste; conscious aesthetic language behavior; language stability. It has been proven that the existence of a linguistic personality is realized primarily through verbal activity. The professional training of the future primary school teacher involves the formation of a linguistic personality, for which in-depth study of the language serves as a source of knowledge of the culture, mentality, worldview and worldly feeling of the people.
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