concept, verbalizer, traitor, conceptual meaning, Roman IvanychukAbstract
The article analyzes the main means of verbalizing the concept “traitor” in R. Ivanychuk’s novel “Fiery Pillars”, and defines their semantic and functional features. It was found the verbalizers of the mentioned concept are most often nouns. Among the nouns, that are common names of people, we singled out the following verbalizers: traitor, apostate, sacrilegious, gunner, whistleblower, provocateur, janissary, executioner, etc. Many words indicate the characterological features of people, their moral defects, for example: coward, scoundrel, cretin. There are even obscene words among this group. A number of verbalizers objectify the conceptual meaning of “a person with a sense of national inferiority”. They include the following nouns: underman, stranger, enemy, mercenary, nobody, slave, etc. Among the verbalizers of the concept “traitor” in the text of the work we single out anthroponyms such as: Yuda, Janus, Barabash, Nis, Bryukhovetskyi, Andrii Bulba. The concept also finds verbal expression through abstract and collective nouns (adaptation, fratricide, treason, apostasy, conformity, duplicity, humility, fornication). Its verbalizers are singly zoonyms (bug, cockroach). Less often, the concept “traitor” is verbalized with the help of verbs. Among them are the following words: report, sell out, run away, go wild, etc. Single verbalizers are phraseological units. Verbal expression of conceptual meanings is also provided by separate word combinations and sentences (simple and complex, narrative and interrogative), which act as indirect verbalizers of the concept, creating the appropriate context. The mentioned verbalizers of the concept “traitor” give a description of people who commit treason, contain an assessment of various aspects of treason, highlight this negative social phenomenon in all its complex dimensions and understandings. The study of the concept of «traitor» and related concepts in Roman Ivanychuk`s works is promising.
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