concept of LIFE, action frame, subject frame, Сognitive Linguistics, frame analysis, phraseological unitAbstract
In the article, based on the phraseological content of the Lesya Ukrainka`s epistolary heritage, the concept of LIFE as a Lesya Ukrainka's worldview has been analyzed. We also outlined the correlation of conceptual content with the component of collective ethnic worldview. It was found that the concept of LIFE contains several basic frames (according to S. Zhabotynska): subject and action. The first of it is revealed by qualitative, quantitative, spatial and temporal models, and the second contains a variable LIFE as the role of an agent and a patient, which forms mutually determined intentions of LIFE and development, realization of a MAN. On the one hand, in the schemes of the action frame, LIFE is perceived as the action of something unknown, and therefore, it is synthesized with the concepts of FATE and GOD, and MAN is characterized by the possibility of changing events, therefore, it arises only from the concept of GOD (because a person has freedom of choice and is endowed with creativity). On the other hand, LIFE is a process to DEATH and includes in its experience, human development and at the same time closely borders on the concept of TIME (subjective and objective). Verbalization of the subject frame is displayed through the model of time and space, which basically contains the metaphor of the path. The image of the movement highlights the path of human evolution/death and at the same time forms a nation-centric component of existence (on the native land and outside the Motherland). Here we can trace the metaphorical nature of phraseological units, which contain the images of roots, houses, and the flight of birds to warm countries, can be traced, which is inherent in the Ukrainian linguistic and cognitive picture of the world, can be traced here. As for the quantitative model, it defines LIFE as the basis of God's creation of the living (from birth to death), and qualitatively expresses the perception of the LIFE process as a complex, completed test. HUMAN is the key concept with which the concept of LIFE is connected in the analyzed discourse. Also, the filling of the epistolary with phraseology of anthroponymic, zoonymic images of the system of mythospace, of biblical origin, with authorial variations represents the relationship between the writer's individual authorial worldview system and the Christian and ethnically oriented one. We trace this in the implicit symbolism of phraseological units (cross; path, hut and its parts). In this way, a scenario is formed, according to which LIFE is a process aimed at the development and improvement of the deep structure of a person (through changes, frequent trials).
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