
  • Nataliia Hoivanovych
  • Svitlana Monastyrska
  • Anzhelika Ivasivka



water quality, Sambir district, hygienic and chemical indices, coli-index, nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions, phosphates, and mineralization


The causes of modern water quality deterioration wells are: wrong choice of location of wells, failure to comply with sanitary protection, the inflow of contaminated water from farms, fields, roads, poor health care and technical wells. This is a significant problem that needs to be solved immediately, both at the state and at the local level. It is researched in many scientific works, and the issue of water quality is given a lot of attention both in Ukraine and abroad. Problems of drinking water supply in Ukraine are closely related to economic, water and environmental problems. One of the main factors that directly affect the health of the population is the quality of the drinking water it consumes. Wells are the main source of drinking water on the territory of the Sambir district. Therefore, the monitoring seasonal dynamics of hygienic and chemical parameters are analyzed: the total microbial count and coli-index, the content of nitrates, nitrites, ammonium, phosphates, pH and mineralization. For the estimation of the quality of the well waters of some settlements of the Sambir district, monthly (every two months) samples of the waters of 7 villages and cities of the territory were selected for sanitary and hygienic and environmental indicators. Samples of water were taken in the city of Sambir; village Ralivka; village Baranivtsi; village Side; village Berezhnytsia, village Cherkhva, village Rudka. These settlements are proportionally located in different parts of the Sambir district. All investigated wells have cladding from concrete rings, and the depth to the water mirror ranges from 5 to 11 m. It is set that swingeing majority of the investigated waters of Sambir district is not suitable to the consumption and does not answer the hygienical indexes of quality of drinking-water on a draught throughout the year. Dynamics of the composition, the ratio of concentrations of mineral and organic forms of nitrogen is applied to the high productivity of processes of self-cleaning of reservoirs. The content of nitrates, nitrites, and ammonium are important indicators of the chemical composition of water, which are used in conducting environmental assessment and normalization of the quality of natural waters. The presence of certain forms of compounds of nitrogen in natural waters depends on a number of factors, namely: the rate of receipt of organic matter, activity and the number of different forms of microorganisms that regulate the stages of transformation, temperature, the presence of antibiotics and dissolved oxygen, etc. It was established that in all the studied villages and Sambir, the content of nitrites, phosphates, mineralization and pH values do not exceed the MPC during the year. Excess of MPC nitrates was recorded only in the villages of Raļivka (55.5 mg/dm3), Berezhnitsa (56.7 mg/dm3), and Sambir city (58.7 mg/dm3) in the summer period, which is 43% of the total number of analyzed water samples. It was established that the concentration of ammonium ions in the water of the studied territories varied from 1.7 to 7.9 mg/l and the average values exceeded the MPC (2.6 mg/l) in villages Berezhnytsia, Baranovtsi, Side, Cherhava, Rudky, and city Sambir. Consequently, taking into account the results of the analysis, it can be argued that the drinking water of the Sambir district is largely polluted and unsuitable for consumption. This leads to the implementation of a number of measures, institutional, administrative and legal in relation to a significant improvement in the quality of drinking water.


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