
  • Iryna Briukhovetska
  • Inesa Drozd



Drohobych-Boryslav industrial district, minerals, anthropogenic soil pollution, humus, soil acidity


Modern man must not only have a system of ecological knowledge to properly understand the environmental problems that arise, but also to take an active civic stance on their effective solution. This is especially true for those areas and oblasts where long-term use of mineral deposits or other large industrial facilities is or has been carried out. The Carpathian Economic District in western Ukraine, which includes the Drohobych-Boryslav Industrial District (Lviv Oblast), is one of the areas of increased ecological danger. On the territory of Drohobych-Boryslav industrial district there are large deposits of oil, natural gas and ozokerite. Therefore, the soils of Boryslav industrial district underwent the greatest degradation and transformation, which is due to the development and long-term operation of mineral deposits, as well as the accumulation of household and industrial waste in Boryslav, which are related to activities (both past and present) many industrial enterprises. All these problems need to be solved immediately, both for the sake of maintaining the health and well-being of the city residents themselves, and because Boryslav industrial district is located at the foot of the picturesque Carpathians, near the resorts of Truskavets and Skhidnytsia. Chemical studies of soils that have undergone oil pollution in the Boryslav oil field in previous years have revealed a significant excess of cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and lead. Heavy metals – Nickel, Copper, Zinc and Vanadium – were also found in the rock of ozokerite dumps, the content of which significantly exceeds the permissible norms (MPC). Pollution of ecosystems in Boryslav with salt solutions occurs at the outlet of formation waters from individual oil wells. A new stage of research of the influence of chemical pollution on the state of edaphotopes in ecosystems of Boryslav industrial district of Lviv region has been started. The first object of research was the dumps of Boryslav ozokerite mining, which are located around the ozokerite mine in the center of Boryslav. The analysis of the humus content in the selected soil samples was carried out, and the pH (salt) of the extract of the studied samples was determined. According to the humus content (1.98%) the studied soil samples can be classified as medium humus. According to the pH value of the salt (KCl) extract (5.8), the acidity of soil samples can be assessed as weakly acidic soils. Further chemical analysis of soils is planned, in particular to determine the content of heavy metals and other elements. The results of the study of the soil conditions of ozokerite dumps are important for environmental research in terms of bioindication of soil contamination of ecosystems and the presence of relevant vegetation in ozokerite dumps compared to other similar sites. Studies of edaphotopes of other objects of different industrial zones of Boryslav are planned. The obtained experimental results will help to predict the processes currently taking place in technogenic ecosystems of industrial zones of the city and to suggest the most optimal ways of rational use of disturbed due to long-term operation of oil and gas and ozok erite deposits of the lands.


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