



birds, winter period, species composition, number of representatives, taxonomic distribution


Cities are artificially created ecosystems constantly evolving in space and time, combining elements of different types of landscapes, and enhancing the concentration and diversity of species on their territory. Typical elements of urbanized landscapes are fragments of solid sod-bush plantations – urban squares, parks, and forest parks. They significantly increase the diversity of environmental conditions and create favorable opportunities for the stay (nesting) of those species of birds, which life is almost impossible without turf and bush vegetation. Urban habitats are evolutionarily new to animals, and there has been increasing attention to studying the different aspects and patterns of their habitation in cities in recent decades. A special place in these studies is given to birds as one of the most numerous, prominent, and mobile components of the ecosystem. The article presents the results of species composition and the number of birds in the suburban park in the city of Stebnyk in winter. The city of Stebnyk is located on the border of two geographical countries – the Carpathians and the Pre-Carpathian Highlands. In the master’s work, the student presents the results of the species composition and number of birds in the suburban park of the city of Stebnyk in the winter. During the entire study period, 38 species of wintering birds were identified. During this period, 8 exits to the park were made, during which time the number of individuals in those days was calculated – an average of 21 species. The systematic list of birds in the suburb of the city of Stebnyk, according to the records, showed that 34 species belong to the actual wintering, 8 to the flying, 20 to nesting, 5 to the vagrant, 20 to the settled, that is, to the studied areas throughout the whole year. On the territory of the park, during the winter records, a Red Book species was detected – Great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor).


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