


self-determination; personality; career guidance


The article discusses the issues of a stable idea of them-selves, about their capabilities, their preferences, this, in turn, is called "self-determination". This topic of professional self-determination of a schoolboy has always gained attention. The choice of profession depends in the future, what kind of person you will become, how the environment reacts to you, or realize yourself as a "person". Currently, "self-determination" can be considered as a psychological neoplasm of adolescence. As already mentioned, the term "self-determination" is used in different meanings. We can assert this in family, religious, professional, moral self-determination. The changes that are taking place in our country in the labor market require some modernization to solve the problem of professio-nal self-determination of a modern student. Therefore, at the school level, this problem still remains open with vocational guidance and the choice of profession. Therefore, it is a task to correct the needs of the economy and society, to enjoy the profession. To solve these problems is called part of the propaganda, but it cannot be argued that professional enlightenment is based only on propaganda. The planned work, which is carried out at the school on campaigning and propaganda, should be carried out in accordance with the previously conceived professional organization, on the basis of such approaches it is possible to carry out appropriate work with schoolchildren and direct to sobriety of consciousness in the direction of choosing a pro-fession. Enlightenment is based on the needs of this profession in society. Thus, it is necessary to introduce certain preparatory courses, where students are prepared for the choice of profession, take into account the skills and abilities, help to obtain an initial qualified category from a certain profession. Also, an acquaintance with the profession is carried out in order to learn it well and understand it.


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