


moral sphere; moral norms; moral values; moral judgments; morality; moral guidelines


The article considers the moral sphere of the individual as a necessary condition for the existence and effective functioning of man in society. It is emphasized that moral norms regulate interpersonal interaction, which is associated with professional activities, and morality is the basis for effective interaction between people. Moral guidelines as a basis of maturity from the standpoint of the system-subject approach are analyzed. It is noted that moral values are formed on the basis of human needs, and value in general is formed in relation to the object that is able to meet human needs. Moral judgments are seen as a process of social decision-making based on numerous factors. The generalization of the views of researchers dealing with the moral sphere of personality, allowed within the concept of moral deve-lopment of personality, to distinguish three stages of moral development of the individual: pre-moral, conventional (guided by most members of society) and post-conventional, which requires the following factors: social contacts, high level intelligence, independence from authorities. It is determined that morality is an individual property of the individual, based on the norms of morality. For the formation of morality it necessary to determine the following basic foundations of morality: biological, spiritual, social, pragmatic. It is established that the highest level of personal and profe-ssional self-determination is the moral, value-semantic level, which has a great influence on professional self-determination and profe-ssional development of a person. It is emphasized that moral guidelines as a tool of social regu-lation are a necessary prerequisite and resource for successful profe-ssional development and play a crucial role in the course of professional development and the effectiveness of professional activity. It is noted that the key stage of professional development in the study of moral guidelines is the acquisition of higher education. It was found that in the process of learning in adolescents, moral guidelines reflect the general ethical values accepted in society and serve as a basis for the forma-tion of specific professional values adopted in the profession, which is mastered by the student.


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