


creativity; human; personality; rationalist theory; irrationalist theory; omnipresence concept


The article highlights the scientific reflection results on the human creativity problem in the theories of the XIX–XX centuries. An interdisciplinary approach was applied and the general scientific principles of objectivity, systematics, historicism, worldview pluralism, as well as logical-semantic, systemic and prognostic approaches were used in the study and generalization of creativity researched problem. The historical consideration of the creativity problem substan-tiates the need to clarify the true purpose of human existence, the way and nature of self-realization and permanent creativity. In the psychological traditions, the study of creativity is focused on pragmatic values and is realized in the ideas of the relationship of creativity with the "production" of ideas, products that are marked by novelty and significance. It is noted that modern psychological traditions of studying crea-tivity are dominated by pragmatic approaches and directions in which creativity is associated with the "production" of ideas, products, which are marked by novelty and significance. It is proved that the synergetic approach is heuristically valuable in the development of the creativity idea. The creativity understanding as a chaos unity and order in synergetics echoes the mythological inter-pretation based on a similar perception of the world as fluid and illogi-cal (coincidence), which doesn՚t imply the existence of hierarchical order transcendent dimension and its transformation into a homogeneous space. The synergetic approach in the development of creativity idea is a kind of completion of its cultural and historical gestalt with the simul-taneous opening of opportunities – potentials for further development at the highest level of human understanding. The peculiarity of the modern transition stage determines the shift of emphasis from the demiurge idea to the potential ability of self-development, which focuses on the study of individual potential creative resources.


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