



experiences; psychological consequences of experiences; tolerance; frustration tolerance; frustration reactions; frustration situations; personality frustration; life experience; adolescence


The article highlights the main approaches to studying the psychological consequences of experiencing frustrating situations in adolescence. The concepts of "experience", "frustrating situations", "frus-trating tolerance" are revealed. An integrated study of the peculiarities of the consequences of experiencing frustrating situations in adolescence has been carried out. The psychological essence and content of the pheno-menon of frustrating tolerance as a factor that helps to reduce the ne-gative impact of the effects of frustrating situations have been studied. Experimentally, with the help of appropriate methods, manifestations of psychological consequences of experiencing frustrating situations in adolescence, in particular, in the cognitive, emotional, volitional, beha-vioral and personal spheres were revealed. The level of frustration tolerance in adolescents and the peculiarities of their application of coping strategies in situations of frustration were also experimentally determined. The level of frustration has been found to be closely related to frustrating tolerance. Students of both junior and senior Year of study had a high level of frustration with almost unformed frustration tolerance. It was found that senior students in situations of frustration show inde-pendence in solving problems, through "acceptance of responsibility", creation of "problem-solving strategies", and the ability to "re-evaluate their own experience", that is, they show more adaptive coping strate-gies, in contrast to junior students who are characterized by "avoidance" and "distancing" from critical situations.


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