
  • Khrystyna TURETSKA


post-traumatic stress disorder, combat stress, imagery, exposure therapy, guided affective imagery.


Anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine has created a major challenge for the Ukrainian psychology concerning the problem of rehabilitation of military-combatants. The need for a quality system of psychological correction veterans ATO requires theoretical approaches to the analysis of the symptoms psychotrauma and its consequences and the practical implementation of the most appropriate and effective in the psychological services. Psychological consequences of participation in wars are known in psychological science for a long time. Thus, in the United States during the Civil War soldier symptoms such as shortness of breath, sleeplessness, palpitations called «irritable heart». After the Vietnam War, the researchers found that many veterans suffer from chronic psychological problems, which were the cause of social and occupational dysfunction. The number and significance of such disorders were the reason for the formal recognition of post-traumatic stress disorder as a separate diagnosis in the third edition of DSM, which was published in 1980. To correct the symptoms of PTSD are used as pharmacotherapy and various psychotherapeutic approaches. In our article the factors efficiency imagination techniques when dealing with PTSD. Empirical studies show high efficacy imagination techniques in correction PTSD, including combatants PTSD. Imagination is a dynamic, physiological process by which a person thinks, feels and experiencing internal reality in the absence of external stimulation. Therapeutic significance of imagination is based on a corresponding emotional, behavioral or psychophysiological activity without real-stimulus event. Thus, images of the imagination can be used to change physiological processes, mental states, self-esteem, performance and behavior. At the psychophysiological level imagination helps to lower the level of activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which can lead to lower levels of glucocorticoids and catecholamines and increase endorphins; is overwriting memory traces in the brain areas responsible for anxiety reaction. At the psychological level imagery imagination provides the context by which the patient can relive trauma, while helping the therapist is to encourage the patient to use internal resources.


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