
  • Natalya SHULTS


subjective picture of life path, attraction to poverty, frustration needs of property, life orientation, self-estimation, «demanding» behaviour, locus of control.


The article analyzes the main factors in the formation of subjective picture of life. The emphasis is on people’s ideas about his life with different levels of gravity to poverty. Studied subjective picture of people with different levels of instruction to poverty. The main difference in their lives assessment of people depending on the susceptibility to poverty. The subjective picture of life’s journey – it’s a mental image of the past, present and future in people’s ideas about their lives. The aspiration to poverty – it’s a psychological tendency of man to be poor. Аll people have their purpose and meaning of life, but perhaps that people with similar ways of life but appraise them differently, the image of life in the same environmental conditions, for each person will be own. Therefore it is important to determine what affects influes on a man about his life, the man guided by assessing their opportunities. Also, explore how a person appreciate own life and which person encourages attraction to be motivated to poverty. That is how a person who tends to poverty estimates own career. People with different levels of gravity to poverty differently evaluate their lives, their subjective picture of life’s journey is significantly different. After doing the research we had got the following results: people with high and middle-poverty aspirations have a pessimistic view on life, they aren’t satisfied with their lives, have low self-esteem, they aren’t able to appreciate life and its possibilities, they believe that the fate controls their lives. Such people have the predisposition to frustrate their needs on different objects. Individuals with high levels of poverty aspiration don’t believe that their life in the future will be rich, interesting and full of important events, don’t believe that it will be happy, that is they have a pessimistic view on the future. People who have low levels of aspiration to poverty are satisfied with their lives and they are optimistic about the future. So a person at a high level of attraction to poverty, evaluate their lives in the future is a little rich variety of events that are pessimistic. A person with low susceptibility to poverty – look optimistically into the future, they believe that they can change their lives. Therefore, the level of attraction to poverty can be seen as a means of diagnosis optimistic or pessimistic orientation (configuration guidelines) on their individual vision of life. We can say that people with different levels of gravity to poverty differently evaluate their lives, their subjective picture of life’s journey is significantly different.


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