
  • Oksana KORMYLO


bullying, school bullying, forms of bullying, reasons for bullying, psychological and pedagogical work.


This article is devoted to a problem of school bulling in the modern education system. The author opens the reasons and consequences of this negative social and psychological phenomenon, represents as an offender’s (bull) and also a victim’s psychological lines. The theoretical analysis results of the school bullying phenomenon, its causes, origin conditions, structure and display characteristics are presented in the article. Bullying is understood as a display of a long-term, systematic aggression in the specific social situation that appears in the group, and which is based on inequality (physical and psychological) between an aggressor and a victim. It is shown that the school bullying is a result of the developing specific norms and values in pupils groups, forming specific destructive processes of group dynamics. In addition, the role of such factors as tolerant or indifferent attitude of the school administration and teachers to violence in school is discussed. School bullying can be in two forms such as physical and psychological. The use of physical form is more prevalent for boys and junior pupils, and psychological is dominant among women and senior pupils. Also most girls tend to use indirect forms of bullying. There are more cases of bulling in senior school than in primary school, but the number of victims is reduced there. The role structure of bullying consists of three main role positions such as an aggressor(s), a victim and observers. Ways of eradication defined in works of foreign scholars are highlighted. The practical recommendations submitted on minimization of the school bulling are offered in the article.


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