
  • Roman KHAVULA


family, adolescence, ideas, parenthood.


The article sets that features of youth idea about the relationship with their future children consist of three main levels: social (child education, transmission of individual experience, the inclusion of the child in society) microsocial (care for the child, satisfaction of material needs in communication and love, child protection, assistance and support) and personal-semantic (special type of liability, social status change, new opportunities for self-realization of himself as father). It is noted that in the minds of young people parenting presents the following key elements: family values, parental scenarios, attitudes and expectations in marital and parental relationships. The analysis of boys and girls ideas about their relationship with their parents showed that control features of parents dominate in boy’s image of the relationship with mother and father. The key aspects of the education of future married couple and parents were disclosed. It is established that the content of ideas of paternity is determined by status, social and biological needs, family experiences, on the one hand and on the other – by a whole set of factors that destroy the positive perceptions of youth about family future. It was found that the idea about the material and financial providing of the family, the ability to sacrifice your life for others, responsibility, desire of the couple to have children and to understand each other form the structure of boys and girls readiness to parenthood.


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