



self-presentation; self-expression; self-disclosure; social perception; image


The article carries out a theoretical and empirical analy-sis of the peculiarities of self-presentation of personality in the student environment. Theoretical analysis of the main approaches to the inter-pretation of the term self-presentation of personality is presented. It is determined that self-presentation and its means are a powerful mecha-nism not only of a positive first impression, but also of control, which is clearly reflected in the peculiarities of the individual՚s social perception. The influence of self-presentation on the peculiarities of interpersonal communication, social perception, the formation of the image of perso-nality in the social and virtual world is clarified. It is emphasized that self-presentation plays a significant role in shaping the image of personality, which consists of such basic compo-nents as "change of appearance", development of communication tech-niques, self-improvement (self-education, self-upbringing). An empirical study of the peculiarities of self-presentation in stu-dent youth is carried out. Based on the results of quantitative and qua-litative analysis of the obtained results, the factors and relationships between them that are principal in the self-presentation of personality are identified. A high level of adaptability of the studied students was re-vealed, in particular, adaptability as personality traits, acceptance of oneself and others, feeling of emotional comfort, desire to be subordi-nate and responsible for one՚s own actions. There are also high rates of self-esteem, status in the group, as well as self-sympathy, self-image as self-worth. The attitude of other people occupies a high position, and accordingly is associated with the expressed importance for the subject, the positive opinion of others, approval of actions, views, which is the motivation for self-presentation among young people. It is affirmed that the studied students perceive the virtual environ-ment as an effective way of self-presentation, which allows them to build their own I-image.


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