
  • Hennadiy STASYUK


ethnic identity, socio-cultural modernization, ethnoculture, traditions, multiculturalism, national education.


The article deals with the main pedagogical conditions that ensure formation of positive ethniccultural identity of pupils is: attracting them to ethnic culture in the unity of its parts, as ethnic knowledge, ethnic relations, ethnic interaction and development of training materials aimed to formation of ethnic identity and adapted to the characteristics of pupils. It is noted that if we assume the forming task positive ethniccultural identity of senior pupils important for national education system we should note need for its upgrade. We need focus on educational component of the educational system based on ethniccultural landmarks. Necessary is proportional pupils mastering universal and ethnocultural values, encouraging students to active interacting with members of other ethniccultures. It is proved that multi-ethnic society is most favorable for human bioetnich identity because it allows organically combine different views of perceiving the world; acquire riches of another culture without compromising its own values. In this view, an interesting attempt to selection stages of individuals personal growth of interacting with other cultures and get social support. It is alleged that under present conditions necessary to restore broad panorama of cultural and historical understanding of education as a special social institution, transfer and increase of national values and traditions in the process of education.


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