
  • Nataliya KALKA
  • Lidiya ORYSHCHYN


I-concept, identity, self-knowledge, self-presentation, self-advertisement, virtual «I», narcissism, prestige, visual communication, selfie.


The authors of the article analyze the causes of self growing popularity among students. The basic reason self-portraiting, including the growth of narcissism, the desire for self-identity and self-knowledge, modern way of communication. Some researchers believe that the self is a successful means of self-promotion in the modern world, helping to successfully «sell» his own individuality. The research’s results prove the main reasons for the popularity selfie among students is demonstrate itself by others. For most students in selfie important demonstrate their emotions, not their mien. When placing self prefer to show the face, and in fact, it is the most «informative» in the analysis of personality. When students downloading selfie in social networks almost half of the students making them available for viewing only group «friends», but much of allowing public access to your photos, very few students make self available only for themselves and for a limited circle of friends online. Students accommodation only the best photos in the networks, and mostly where they share the photo. All students don’t interest in negative comments on photos and does not react to them. As for the self of others, respondents most students pay attention to the overall image, the face and its parts, and later at the detail and esthetics and pay very little attention to environment. All students use selfie as an opportunity to express themselves to others in such a way that allows them to look again at themselves and show themselves in other convenient angle to provide the best possible perception of his own «I».


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