


deformation, criminal, criminal behaviour, personality, person’s orientation.


The article states that the perpetrator has been and remains one of the central problems of the criminal psychology. But the main role in shaping criminal behavior motives play deformed individual needs. Not every need can be the source of a criminal behavior. In most cases, the source of criminal behavior motivation is material needs, the need for social interaction (self-assertion) and sexual needs. The balance of different interests of the person in some way organizes individual attitude to the main purposes of life and means of achieving them, serves as the inner core of value-orientation of the individual system and serves as a leading characteristic of a life position. Before the interests and the needs outgrow the motive for the crime the person overcomes another internal barrier – value orientation. Values are one of the central structures of personal formation and express a subjective attitude to human social reality. In analyzing individual antisocial behavior it is often used the concept of an antisocial installation. In the process of their installation through multiple repetitions, are made such things as: firstly, the transformation of needs. On their places form perverted needs, and secondly, an antisocial act establishes to the level of consciousness uncontrollable automatism, which testifies about a sudden appearance of fixed installation.


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