


destabilization; incompatibility; family; family relationships; marriage


The article deals with the problems of the family, which lead to divorce, destabilization of family relationships. It turned out that a significant place is occupied by family tensions, which, in turn, leads to dissatisfaction with various aspects of marriage. Analysis of the causes of psychological breakdown of marriage and factors that affect marriage satisfaction made it possible to find that in married couples focused on divorce, there is such a destabilizing factor as tension in family rela-tionships. Considering the success and stability of modern marriage, we noted that they are based on psychological compatibility, psychological adaptation, and a favorable psychological climate in the family. Marital instability begins primarily with tension in marital relations. So, we can confidently say that the destructive development of marital relations, the success of the psychological climate and, as a result of the focus on divorce, the most significant impact have different types of factors. Most often, the presence of these destabilizing elements of married life leads to a complication of marital relations, psychologi-cal breakdown of spouses, orientation of a man and a woman to divorce. Knowledge of the existence of the above destabilizing factors, the ability to diagnose and identify them are the basis for psychotherapeutic and correctional work.


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