



auto-aggressive behavior, suicide, motives, depression, anxiety, factors, destructiveness, deprivation, preventive actions


There are various external factors that cause feelings, favorable for the formation of suicidal behavior: misunderstanding, meaningful rejection by others, experienced abuse, loneliness, alie-nation; loss of parental love, love – the key negative emotions are jea-lousy, death, divorce, escape from the family of some of the parents – despair, insult, jealousy; contempt, amazed selfishness – insult, anger, hatred, aggression as a desire to revenge, etc. It has been established that approximately half of examples of suicidal youth behavior are associated with destructive family problems, with a negative attitude towards them. Interpersonal or intrapersonal conflict in the conditions of so-cial, psychological, existential crisis on the background of mental di-sadaptation can acquire a suicidogenic character. In all cases, the crucial moment in the formation of manifestation of suicidal behavior is precisely a suicidogenic conflict. Adoption of a suicidal decision (regardless of the causes, conditions, forms of maladaptation) occurs only after the phase of personal re-development of suicidogenic conflict. In our study, the group of suicide risk is totally 27.2 %. Resear-chers from this risk group are less readers of books, play computer games, attend interest groups, but are more on the streets and do their home affairs. They have significantly more problems with their father, mother, brothers and sisters, and their peers. They are mostly dissatisfied with the degree of realization of material and spiritual needs in their family. In the vast majority of high school students of the risk group, there are high levels of anxiety and mental and phy-sical exhaustion, the experience of loneliness, hopelessness, irratio-nality of existence. In a greater number of senior pupils-licetists a factor of high anxiety was the fear of not meeting the expectations of others. Ana-lysis of the data of the questionnaires of high school students of the risk group allowed to highlight and describe the main variants of in-dividual images of states that can lead to auto-aggressive behavior of young people. The most striking feature is the sense of guilt, which arises as a result of inadequate assessment of one’s own actions or intentions, numerous, often groundless, self-excuse, hyperbolization of their mistakes, impairment of achievements, reproach of conscien-tiousness, and the desire to get out of life.


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