
  • Svitlana MASHCHAK




bullying, aggression, mobbying, bully, victim, observer, provocation, threat, cyber-bullying, team-building


This article is devoted to bullying – an important and actual problem of today. Bullying is the long process of conscious cruel attitude, aggre-ssive behavior for the purpose of causing harm, fear, anxiety or for the creation of negative environment for a person. This phenomenon has subjective and objective reasons. Among subjective factors there are revenge, feeling of hostility, power struggle, neutralization of op-ponent, self-affirmation. Objective factors are human inequality, fea-tures of family upbringing, attitude toward violence in society. The most common behavior’s patterns of bullying are verbal offenses, reference, threats; insulting gestures or actions, refusal to communicate, boycott, requiring money, meal or things, deliberate da-mage to victim’s property, physical violence, humiliation by means of mobile phones and internet. The violence becomes bullying if a victim reacts to aggression in a certain way. There are four widespread forms of bullying behavior patterns: verbal, physical, social and electronic (cyber-bullying). Very often these forms unite for the stronger influence. The most noticeable is physical bullying taking one third of all bullying situations. Such features as: 1) belief that domination and subordination of others will help to achieve some goals easier; 2) absences of em-pathy; 3) easy and rapid excitability and impulsiveness; 4) high level of requirements; 5) low level of self-control are the most typical for pupils-bullies.


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