
  • Maryana HLADKEVYCH



future plans, self-understanding, personality characteristics, self-knowledge, reflection, emotional intelligence, gender differences, sensational age, life perspectives


The problem of life plans nowadays is becoming one of the central in the study of personality and its social effectiveness, success, professional and life self-realization. Its scientific solution ref-lects the human desire to be an active creator of one’s own life, self-determination in the world on the basis of personal awareness and own potential. K.O. Abulkhanova points out that the set of claims of personality (demands and expectations from life, own intentions, aspira-tions, goals and requirements to oneself) in the generalized form inclu-de the I-concept and I-image, which have gender differences: in the structure of characteristics, their content and the completeness of ref-lection by adolescents of different sexes of their personal characte-ristics. Intrapersonal emotional intelligence is an attitude to life plans, the ability to solve problems, to cooperate better with others. This is the property of a person who is aimed at himself and has the ability to form an exact, adequate model of his own «Self» and use this mo-del for effective life, including the construction of life plans. The gen-der differences in the attitude of adolescents to the problem of deter-mining life plans are considered in the context of the relationship among the characteristics of emotional intelligence. With the help of assess-ment points, an individual coefficient of formation level in adolescents was calculated for the problem of determining life plans. Detection of emotional intelligence indirectly involves not only the ability to recognize emotions adequately, but also personality characteristics, among which there is openness to new experience, values, guides, ideals and experience of the subject of life, which is manifested in self-control skills, plasticity in communication, levels of anxiety. Attitude to building future plans also has gender differences in its components and levels of formation.


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