


fatherhood; adolescence; psychological readiness for fatherhood; system of attitudes; factors of development; level of development; educational position of father; training


The article reveals the peculiarities of learning paternity by young people in value and semantic meanings, creating psycho-logical conditions for the development of conscious and positive attitude to the future social role on the basis of purposeful planned educational activities, and taking into account the sensitivity of age in the develop-ment of psychological readiness. The main positions on parenthood as a psychosocial phenomenon are analyzed. Parenthood is seen as the direct fulfillment of the parental role and in the context of ensuring the conditions of the child՚s development. It is argued that the problem of mastering fatherhood in terms of values and meanings is relevant in the early stages of personal development of men. The article emphasizes that adaptation to the role of a father is one of the main aspects of an adult՚s personal development. It has been proven that fatherhood is an important step in a man՚s development and self-identity. The nature and optimal conditions for the development of psychological maturity and responsible attitude of young people to parenthood as a system of interaction between parents and children, developed and tested a program to optimize the psychological readiness of young people for parenthood, based on a systematic app-roach and consists of four sections: "self-concepts", formation of atti-tude to parenthood and parental roles, attitude to oneself as a father and attitude to the future child. It was found that the mechanism of psychological readiness of young people for parenthood is the purposeful development of this phe-nomenon as a system of attitude to the father by developing a holistic system of components of psychological readiness of young people for fatherhood. The form of program implementation is psychological trai-ning focused on people as a method of purposeful progressive changes of a person by achieving, analyzing and re-evaluating their own life ex-perience in group interaction. Due to the impact of the program on the formation of psychological readiness of young people for parenthood, there is a growing tendency to reduce irritability to parenthood, as well as the understanding that strict education is not always an appropriate way to interact with the child. As a result of training sessions, there was an increase in the ave-rage values of the criteria of program effectiveness in the experimental group, and in the control group no changes occurred. In general, psychological readiness for parenthood can be developed using the program through the formation of its psychological components.


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