
  • Roman KHAVULA




self-affirmation, senior pupils, constructive self-affirmation, psychological support


The article reveals peculiarities of psychological sup-port of self-affirmation of senior pupils. The prevention of a number of possible problems specific to senior pupils can be realized through competent organization of psy-chological support of personal development. It is determined that psychological support of senior pupils should be based on the following general principles: conformity with the existing personal achievements and natural human development at this age stage; provision of mediated influence through traditional forms of person՚s activity; creation of such an environment that would promote comprehensive development, satisfaction of basic needs and realization of creative potential. It is unacceptable for parents to use authoritarian methods of education, since this gives rise to a negative reaction of the senior pupil. Parents should be able to respond timely to the needs of boys and girls and discuss personal problems without condemning the children. School psychologists need to promote constructive communi-cation between teens and adults; to teach senior pupils to show tole-rant attitude to adults; to exercise self-control of own behavior, emo-tions, feelings; positively self-assert in the reference environment; adequately present themselves to others; self-overcome difficulties. Teachers in working with senior pupils are advised to apply such recommendations: to introduce senior pupils with the basics of personal self-affirmation, self-development (to create the awareness of how you can manifest and present yourself, etc.); to form their belief in socially significant motives; to deepen the ability of students to self-examination, self-education; help to master the skills of self-regula-tion of emotions and self-control of own behavior; to promote the disclosure of effective communication skills that activate the process of self-affirmation.


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