


spiritual self-improvement; existential experiences; future teacher; professional transcendence; professional image; professional activity; transcendence


The relevance of the article is defined by the fact that the modern system of education in Ukraine is undergoing an active reformation with the aim of improving the quality of education, the professional competence of teachers and minimizing the lack professionals in the sphere of education. All this implies dynamic changes not only at the structural level of the education system and educational activities, but also at the level of serious changes in the approach to the formation of the professional image of the future teacher. Attention is drawn to the need to supplement the process of personality formation of the future teacher with value orientations, one of which being transcendence. A new approach to understanding the target orientation of the future teacher’s professional development in modern conditions is analysed, i.e. that of professional transcendence. The article specifies the scientific content of the categories “transcendence”, “professional transcendence”, “transcendent teacher”, taking into account various theoretical and practical approaches in Western and Ukrainian psychology. Professional transcendence is considered as the highest goal of professional development, spiritual formation and self-development, and a transcendent teacher is a professional who seeks to expand their capabilities, is able to find new meanings in pedagogical activity and beyond, and is always ready to solve professional tasks in changing conditions. The key values of the educational system (transcendent, sociocentric, anthropocentric, national) that allow creating transcendent conditions of professional training are analysed. Attention is focused on the criteria and mechanisms for the future teacher to achieve professional transcendence, which are trans-professional in nature. The opinion is proved that the spiritual in a person is concentrated in the form of a transcendental position, which becomes the main ontological characteristic of a person and the initial existential side of their being. The assimilation of knowledge about professional transcendence in the structure of the professional image by future teachers, along with other professional values, will allow to create an ideal model of one’s future professional activity, which will act as a benchmark, a reference point in professional self-development and spiritual selfimprovement.


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