


psychological help; practicing psychologist; counseling; experiences; psychological consequences of experiences; life experience; professional psychological tasks; client


The article considers approaches to the study of the psychological competencies of a practicing psychologist, which solves various professional tasks, determines the combination of theoretical and practical knowledge that is necessary for the successful solution of professional psychological tasks, as well as the formation of the cognitive experience of the individual, which enables the specialist to effectively apply various techniques, analyze and use personal experience of life experiences in practical work. In the process of providing psychological help and depending on the phase of the psychoconsultative appeal, that is, the client often turns to the psychologist with several requests, among which the psychologist sets the priority and defines the semantic space of the client’s main problems and, on the basis of this, forms the main request for psycho-consultative work. During determining the content of a problematic situation and formulating a psychological problem, the psychologist must rely on the analysis of the client’s psychological situation, condition, features of experiences, as well as on the analysis of individual variants of the main neoplasms characteristic of each age period. Based on the new data he receives while working with the client, the psychologist can, if necessary, change his hypotheses and assumptions and formulate new ones. In order to more deeply and accurately determine the causes of this or that psychological phenomenon or formation, a practicing psychologist must be able to quickly, organized and flexible analyze and correlate his observations with various psychodiagnostic results and conclusions obtained during the application of test methods. Providing psychological help requires the professional psychologist-practitioner to apply general and special knowledge to a specific situation, to see the uniqueness of problems of the person who is in front of him or her, taking into account the specifics of this person’s personality. When a psychologist manages to establish a rapport with those who need his or her help, then the psychologist will be able to enter the world of the experiences of his or her clients.


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