


hardiness, resilience, adolescence, war, military conflict, difficult life situation, Ukraine


The article carries out a theoretical and empirical analysis of the concept of sustainability of one of the most sensitive stratum of the population – adolescents. Such an analysis is conditioned by the modern realities of a sudden full-scale military invasion of Russia on the entire territory of Ukraine. An important problem is the study of the vitality of adolescents as a preventive measure against the undesirable consequences of stress factors during a military conflict. Psychological endurance enables a person to be quickly adapted to suddenly changing unfavorable conditions, consequences of difficult life situations and emotional reactions to difficult events; as a prevention of the development of depressive states. In the framework of this study, hardiness is considered as the main resource for overcoming difficult life situations, as the ability of an adolescent to control their life events and manage them in conditions of uncertainty, to perceive difficulties as a valuable experience and to successfully overcome them, using it as an opportunity for personal psychophysical growth. The article examines the main components of the concept of vitality of adolescents, its properties and signs. Analyzed relationship with similar concepts and phenomena in domestic and foreign science literature. The main factors affecting the hardiness of a teenager have been identified; both in a positive sense and in a negative sense, which reduces the psychological resistance of an individual in a difficult life situation, namely in the conditions of the military conflict in Ukraine.


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