



downshifting, downshifter, career, career growth, lifestyle


The article is devoted to the empirical studies of psychological aspects of downshifting in labor teams. The relevance of the research is determined by the need for a proper and thorough study of the phenomenon of downshifting in socio-psychological and personal aspects. The scientific approaches of foreign and domestic researchers regarding the definition of the essence of downshifting as a socio-psychological phenomenon are considered. The main reasons and types of downshifting in the modern world have been clarified. The positive and negative consequences of downshifting, as well as the main risks of downshifting, are described in detail. The characteristics of the main types of downshifters according to the type of downshifting are given. The systematization of information about the phenomenon of downshifting made it possible to conclude that it is a lifestyle of people who promote the tendency to reduce material demands, career achievements, for the sake of life for themselves and their families. It is emphasized that the phenomenon of downshifting can be considered as a new vision of professional and life selfrealization, "rethinking" of career, value system. It is claimed that, according to the conducted questionnaire, the main characteristics of the job are a high salary, the opportunity to make a career, a favorable social and psychological climate in the work teams, the prestige of the profession, good working conditions, good relations with colleagues, and the possibility of communication. It has been established that the reasons for downshifting in labor teams are low wages, job dissatisfaction, the impossibility of career advancement, bad relations with colleagues, a bad social and psychological climate in the team, and the inability to communicate at work. According to these statements, there arose an interest in further scientific research into the formation of anti-career attitudes of the individual and their influence on the occurrence of downshifting in labor groups.


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