


procrastination, academic procrastination, factors of procrastination, student procrastination, approaches to the study of procrastination


The war, and the difficulties associated with problems in Ukrainian social and political life as well as the economy, negatively affected the current state of higher education, leading to an increase in procrastination among all categories of education seekers. The growing number of procrastination cases among young people is of particular concern. The article presents the research of foreign scientists explaining the causes, consequences and features of its manifestations in students. Different approaches to the study of the mentioned phenomenon have been analyzed. Analysis of domestic and foreign literature showed that attention to the problem of procrastination appeared relatively recently. Modern studies of procrastination were conducted by foreign researchers L. J. Solomon & E. D. Rothblum (1984), C. H. Lay (1986), N. Milgram (1992), L. J. Schubert- Walker & D. W. Stewart (2000), J. R. Ferrari, K. Barnes & P. Steel (2009), P. Steel (2007; 2010), J. B. Burka & L. M. Yuen (2008), M. Kagan, O. Cakir, T. Ilhan & M Kandemir (2010) and others. Among the national scolars are YЕ. L. Bazyka (2014), N. V. Grysenko (2017), К. V. Dubinina (2018), G. V. Chuiko & N. V. Komisaryk (2021). According to the researchers, personal procrastination factors are represented by such psychological phenomena as personal motivation, locus of control focus, and anxiety. Also, important reasons for personal procrastination are high workload; delay in receiving gratifications or rewards. The results of the theoretical analysis of various approaches by foreign authors show that procrastination among students is associated with increased anxiety, expected effectiveness, age and gender, success, self-esteem, motivation and effectiveness of self-motivation, locus of control, ideas about time, features of the emotional sphere (worriedness, fear of failures, depression, feelings of guilt and shame, anxiety), behavioural characteristics (lack of study skills, disorganization). Students most often postpone the following tasks for later: imposed from the outside; which have delayed consequences; which have an extended deadline for execution; boring, routine, unpleasant; any written assignment; related to statistics; significant time investment in the task. And they also procrastinate when they are busy with other things, and there is a delay in receiving pleasure or rewards. The propensity of students to procrastinate is manifested not only in relation to academic but also to non-academic tasks.


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