



difficult life situation, hardiness, resilience, adolescence, war, life situation, hard life situation, difficult life circumstances, critical situation, specific features


The article provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of specific features of difficult life situations. The content of the list of difficult life situations are revealed where a person could find himself in both situations such as during the martial law in Ukraine and in everyday life. The in-depth analysis of this study was conditioned by the situation of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. During the last year, namely from February 24, 2022 aggressor state of russia unjustifiably and suddenly invaded Ukraine. It is important that every difficult life situation that a person faces during their life has individual manifestations and consequences, so the content of difficult life situations is revealed in the article. Highlighted that teenagers may find themselves in difficult life situations as a result of the war in Ukraine and described consequences and further actions to overcome difficult life situations. Consider a number of psychological consequences that can occur after a person has been in such a situation for a long time. Within the framework of this study, the cause-and-effect relationship is substantiated. The chronology of the emergence of the concept of a difficult life situation are definde with derived concepts such as hard life situation, stressful life situation, critical life situation, extreme life situation, frustrating life situation, difficult life circumstances, hard life circumstances, conflict life situation and others. The relationship between such concepts was analyzed and specific features of difficult life situations of the adolescent personality were revealed.


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