


primary school teacher, professional activity, professional frustration, psychological methods of overcoming frustration, reflection, awareness, development


The article is devoted to the coverage of psychological methods of overcoming professional frustration among primary school teachers. Research methods: theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, abstraction, specification), empirical methods (survey, testing), data interpretation methods. It is noted that the teacher’s personality and the quality of his professional activity are influenced by internal and external factors, which in turn transform into a state of frustration. The article presents the results of the first stage of the research – a survey of primary school teachers regarding the psychological characteristics of professional activity in the context of the implementation of the “New Ukrainian School” concept. Attention is focused on the fact that the following data were obtained based on the results of the conducted survey: 1) teachers note that such psychological barriers as a lack of internal resources to change and insecurity; 2) during the survey we discovered that a significant proportion of respondents have an unstable psycho-emotional state, as a result of a significant increase in requirements for professional activity. Also, the results of the second stage of the study are presented. The obtained results allow us to assert the need to provide primary school teachers with psychological assistance in terms of their awareness and acceptance of new requirements for their professional activities, which in turn will make it possible to minimize the frustrating effect on the individual and prevent destructive psychoemotional states in general. Also, the results of the study indicate a possible tendency to professional and emotional burnout. Psychological methods of overcoming professional frustration among teachers are determined. Attention is focused on the need for psychological support of teachers on the way to adaptation and learning self-regulation techniques, taking into account the significant influence of external factors, such as the pandemic, war and other social processes taking place in our country.


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