


emotional burnout, stress, teaching activity, professional deformation, emotional exhaustion


The article analyzes the results of an empirical study of the features of emotional burnout of pedagogical workers. The analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the research problem was carried out, it was found that the phenomenon of emotional burnout is widely studied in scientific psychological literature, but there is no single interpretation of it. This phenomenon is studied from the standpoint of various conceptual approaches and is considered as a state of physical and psychological exhaustion, which negatively affects the ability to effectively perform professional activities and leads to negative changes in the individual and his mental, psychological and physical health. The purpose of the study was to identify the specifics of the manifestations of emotional burnout of pedagogical workers in modern Ukrainian realities. As a result of the cluster analysis, three groups of pedagogical workers with high, medium and low levels of emotional burnout were identified, and the features of manifestations of emotional burnout in representatives of these groups were described. To detect emotional burnout, a technique was used that allows to detect such manifestations of burnout as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduction of one’s own achievements. On the basis of the analysis of the results of the survey, psychological portraits of the personality of pedagogical workers, characterized by different levels of emotional burnout, were compiled, trends of changes in personal characteristics under the influence of emotional burnout were revealed. In general, emotional burnout of a teacher is a serious challenge for Ukrainian education and requires comprehensive efforts to prevent and overcome it in order to create conditions for healthy professional activity of the teacher, his professional development and self-development. In this sense, the activity of the psychological service in the education system, which is designed to create a psychologically safe educational environment for all its participants, is of great importance.


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