


individual concept of health, equal development, function of the concept, type of concept


On the basis of a holistic approach, the concept of “individual concept of health” is characterized, components of the concept are highlighted, cognitive, objective and subjective knowledge and mythological ideas about health, ways of its preservation, strengthening and development; emotional and evaluative (emotional attitude to one’s own health, emotional background of physical well-being, self-assessment of health status); conative (actions, means, volitional efforts aimed at the processes of preservation, strengthening, development and restoration of health), the peculiarities of the influence of the individual concept of health on the processes of preservation, strengthening, development and restoration of health are outlined. The levels of individual concept development (high, medium, low) are identified and characterized. The characteristics of the functions of the subjective concept of health and its types are presented (ensuring control of the state of health, preservation and development of health, timely and full recovery of health in case of its violation, rethinking the meaning and value of health in daily life; accumulation of motivation to preserve, strengthen, develop and restore health). The types of individual concepts of health preservation are highlighted (ideal, optimal, situationally optimal, suboptimal, pathologizing). The purpose of the study is to reveal the functions, levels and types of development of the subjective concept of health. The results of an empirical study of the subjective concept are presented. 488 adults (253 women and 235 men with higher education) were involved in the empirical study. The methods of expert evaluation, self-evaluation, questionnaire, survey, evaluation of reference personalities for research, monographic study, retro reflection were used. Quantitative results on the levels of development and types of the individual concept of health of adults are presented, the dependence of the orientation of physical rehabilitation on the individual concept of health, as a person’s holistic idea of his own health, is substantiated. It is noted that the individual concept of health fundamentally affects the relevance and effectiveness of the processes of its preservation, strengthening, development and restoration.


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