


socionomic sphere, empathy, compassion, empathy, professional activity, empathic abilities, educational process


The socionomic sphere makes special demands on psychologists, teachers and social workers: to understand the emotional state of the client, to be able to be sincere in relations with the client, to reflect and convey the experienced feelings. Without practical mastery of such a mental reality as empathy, it is impossible to achieve the efficiency of professional activity. In the approaches to the problems of empathy, there are dozens of definitions that provide models of the empathic process, stages, stages, levels, mechanisms. The problem of studying empathy is always relevant for specialists in the socionomic field. The problem of research and development of empathy is especially important in the professional formation of a psychology student. To show empathy in relation to the interlocutor means to look at the situation from his point of view, to experience feelings similar to him, to understand and accept his current emotional state. The article is devoted to consideration of empathy as a personality trait necessary for successful communication and interaction. The author examines the psychological features of empathy of future specialists in the socionomic sphere. The article considers the problem of developing empathy as the most important personality quality of specialists in the socionomic sphere: psychologists, teachers, social workers in the conditions of socialization in a higher education institution. The results of an empirical study aimed at determining the level of empathy among psychology students and determining the main approaches to its understanding are presented. The phenomenon of empathy is considered, the professional activity of workers in the socio-economic sphere of activity, representatives of “helping” professions is analyzed. It was found that the educational factor has a great influence in the process of training specialists in the socionomic field. Several directions of educational influence on the personality of future representatives of socionomic professions are proposed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that empathy is considered a necessary factor in the moral development of an individual, contributes to the development of humane relations, and an altruistic style of behavior.


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