


adaptation, maladaptation, professional maladaptation, military personnel, combatants, factors, emotional and volitional stability


The purpose of the work is to substantiate the main factors of professional maladjustment of military personnel participating in hostilities. General scientific methods of cognition are used – analysis, synthesis and generalization of data from psychological literature. It has been proven that the proper level of adaptation of servicemen is a necessary condition for successful military service and an important prerequisite for victory over Russian troops, since the depth and pace of adaptation of servicemen have a real embodiment in the form of combat activity results. It is shown that the main sign of maladjustment is the military serviceman’s experience of long-term external and internal conflicts in professional activities without finding the psychological mechanisms and forms of behavior necessary for their resolution. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the selection of individual-personal and social-psychological factors of professional maladjustment of military personnel participating in hostilities. Individual and personal factors that contribute to maladaptation include unsuccessful activities, a low level of achievements in military and professional activities, an insignificant degree of realization of internal personal potential, an insignificant degree of integration into the team, inability to organize personal activities, inability to learn new social roles by servicemen. The socio-psychological factors of military servicemen’s maladjustment include a negative attitude towards their official activities, self-doubt, insufficient awareness of the value of military service, low achievement motivation, insufficient persistence in the realization of socially significant goals, lack of independence, irresponsibility, etc. It was concluded that in the process of psychological correction of professional maladjustment of servicemen, it is expedient to proceed from the selected individual-personal and social-psychological factors of professional maladjustment of servicemen – participants in hostilities in their relationship and interaction.


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