



psychological readiness, social workers, professional activity, motivational component, motives, gender differences


The article is devoted to the study of level of formation of motivational component of psychological readiness of future social workers to work with clients. The factors that affect the efficiency of the specialist’s work have been determined. The features of the structure of psychological readiness are indicated in accordance with the content and structure, features of professional activity. The relevance of the problem of researching the level of formation of psychological readiness of future social workers for professional activity is revealed. The research of modern Ukrainian scientists on the topic of psychological readiness for activity, in particular, psychological readiness of future social workers for professional activity, is analyzed. Emphasis is placed on research (A. Furman, 2015) of the specialist’s professional competence, tools for effective implementation of his professional thinking. It was noted that the formation of the psychological readiness of the future social worker for professional activity is a prerequisite for achieving high competitiveness (V. Savitska, 2013). Modern scientific studies of the motivational component of psychological readiness for activity are analyzed, and its empirical indicators are determined. The article discloses the methodology of the conducted research on the level of formation of the motivational component of the psychological readiness of future social workers to work with clients: the method of digitizing empirical indicators; the system of transferring the research results to conditional points; the formula for the coefficient of level of formation of motivational component of psychological readiness; the system of transferring coefficients into a three-level scale of formation. The results of an empirical study of the level of formation of motivational component of psychological readiness of future social workers to work with clients are analyzed. Gender differences were noted. Prospects for further research in the development of a training program for students majoring in social work, aimed at the formation of deep conscious positive motivation, have been determined.


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