



professional image, spiritual and moral values, soul, spirit, spiritual needs


The article substantiates the importance of spiritual and moral values for the formation of the professional image of the future teacher, which provides the ability for independence, authentic value orientation, based on worldview reflections, experiences, and assessments. Spirituality is considered by us not as a static criterion for the development of certain characteristics of the future teacher’s personality and not as a self-sufficient basis for approaching higher teleological values, but as her ability to orient herself to higher spiritual and moral values in her life. Illumination of spirituality, as a unique manifestation of human existence, is revealed through its ontological structure. We took the body-soul-spirit triad as the basis of this structure. In this triad, the existence of a person is his existence as a spiritual personality. The logic of the formation of a professional image through the components of spiritual motives is analyzed, taking into account the priority of the spiritual principles of the subjects of the educational process, among which spiritual values are relevant. The level of formation of spiritual motivation among future teachers is characterized. Attention is focused on the fact that in the process of professionalization of the future teacher, spiritual needs acquire the status of personally significant norms. Aware of the significant importance of spirituality and morality in relationships, in interaction with others, in professional and personal growth, the future teacher will actively strive for constant spiritual self-knowledge and enrichment with spiritual knowledge, search for valuable information, organization and understanding of life experience. The opinion is proved that it is in the process of professional training that the future teacher masters, realizes and perceives the entire system of values, translates it into a system of principles and beliefs that guide him in his actions and behavior, is able to implement life and professional choices for which he is responsible.


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