


forensic psychological examination, affect, classical physiological affect, cumulative physiological affect, pathological affect


The objective of this work is to provide a theoretical analysis of the characteristics of a subject's mental states, with a focus on the phenomenon of affect, both physiological and pathological. This analysis is conducted in the context of an expert psychologist's role in forensic psychological examinations. This study aims to identify the specific type of physiological affect that falls within the professional competence of an expert psychologist. The affective state focuses on the importance of investigating descriptors such as the level of consciousness constriction; impaired movements, behavior and activities; vegetative, vasomotor, and mimic reactions. It is important to take into account the specifics of the tort situation and the individual psychological characteristics of the subject. The key to expressing cumulative affect is its occurrence against the background of prolonged, protracted distress, accompanied by internal conflict and states of frustration. With the cumulative nature of affect, the narrowness of consciousness has an extremely expressive character, which is at the same time accompanied by psychopathological symptoms (specifically, descriptors of derealization, depersonalization, and illusory perception). The research methodology is based on the methods of synthesis, comparative analysis, and the generalization of theoretical data presented in scientific sources. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the theoretical analysis of complex manifestations of affect, especially focusing on its cumulative mechanism and mediation by the individual characteristics, within the tasks of forensic psychological examination. By considering the data obtained, it is possible to develop distinct indicators for differentiating various types of affective states. The intelligence gathered can be applied in the professional endeavors of expert psychologists and anyone involved in the field of forensic psychological examination. The conclusions. It has been established that when performing forensic psychological examination tasks related to affective manifestations, it becomes crucial for the expert psychologist to analyze the circumstances of the tort, the mechanism of affective state formation (especially accumulation), and the individual psychological characteristics of the subject, including their psychophysiological states. Taking into account the mechanism of affective state formation within the personality of the subject allows us to observe that affect is most likely to occur in individuals who are physically and psychologically vulnerable, with somatic diseases, hormonal disorders, and a low level of development in emotional and volitional self-regulation.


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