


art therapy, online space, art therapy project “Step by Step”, internally displaced persons, children, adolescents


The purpose of the work is to analyze and summarize the experience of implementing the art therapy project “Step by Step” in an online format for children and adolescents in Skadovsk schools. The research methodology is based on a cultural approach to the consideration of art therapy practices in working with children, scientific theories that comprehensively analyze the essence of creativity and its impact on the inner sensory and emotional world of the child. The scientific novelty of the study is that it highlights the peculiarities and difficulties of implementing an online art therapy program, which are related to both the functions of a psychotherapist and a child psychologist and uncontrollable external factors, and also identifies and substantiates the use of modern art therapy techniques for working with children affected by war in an online format. The article provides a theoretical justification for the need for psychological assistance to children in wartime, and identifies that art therapy is one of many methods of psychological assistance that allows for an effective and safe response to the negative effects of a traumatic event, releasing hidden emotions, reassessing the situation and oneself, and accessing resources. Conclusions. The content and purpose of the Step by Step project program, which consists of four interconnected blocks, are revealed, the need to create a safe online space where children can open up, share experiences and go through the stages of emotional processing, stabilization and replenishment through art therapy is noted. The article presents structural elements for conducting art therapy sessions according to the age categories of project participants, namely presentation and meeting techniques in groups, psychotechniques for working with emotions and resources, and “rituals” for completing art therapy sessions. The art therapy project “Step by Step” is a significant contribution to the practice of psychological assistance to children in war, which enabled its participants to identify their deep needs and desires, learn to hear themselves, and help themselves and others in an environmentally friendly way.


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