


military personnel, psychological assistance, psychological prevention, psychological trauma, mental health, psychological health, experiences, life experience, psychological training


The aim of this work is to address the issue of preserving the psychological health of military personnel, which is critically important and requires a comprehensive approach. Military conflicts generate significant stress, which can have negative impacts both on the individuals involved and on society as a whole. Methodology. This article is based on a comparative analysis and synthesis of theoretical data found in scientific literature and professional experience. Scientific Novelty. The psychological health of military personnel consists of both physical and mental aspects, including mental resilience and readiness to adapt to stressful situations, which are integral parts of military activities. Important aspects include supporting mental health, developing stress resilience, and psychological preparation for risky situations. Achieving psychological health in military personnel involves considering their individual needs and ensuring adequate psychological support. Сonclusions. One of the key steps in addressing this issue is to ensure access to qualified psychological assistance for military personnel, including training in managing psychological stress, counseling, and psychotherapeutic support. Psychological health is an important component of overall human health and is influenced by various factors, including physiological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. In summary, it is important to create an environment where military personnel can openly share their emotions and experiences, feel supported and understood. Initiatives aimed at a comprehensive approach to psychological protection and assessing the consequences of military conflict can be beneficial.


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