


psychological support, self-identity training, special professional development, healthy pedagogical activity


The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the implementation of psychological support for the personal and professional development of future teachers. Methodology. The peculiarities of realization of psychological support of personal and professional development of future teachers are analyzed. The article presents the subject of psychological support for the formation of a future teacher, where the subject-subject developmental interaction is aimed at solving the actual problems of professional, personal, moral and social formation by the subject of development. Scientific novelty. The main content of the support includes the organization of interaction and is aimed at the development of new models of behavior, communication and healthy pedagogical activity by the accompanied. It is emphasized that the professional development of the future teacher's personality should be considered from the standpoint of a systematic approach. The definitions of "professional self-determination" and "choice of profession" are clarified, which are identified. The technologies of psychological support are presented. It is stated that the organization of sociopsychological training of professional self-identification will promote intensive learning, mutual learning and self-learning using the personal experience of participants (students), real life situations that are modeled and analyzed by the group, it is primarily cognition through emotional experience, new impressions and new information for further self-knowledge and self-development. Conclusions. It is emphasized that the training of professional self-identification of future teachers will involve the identification of ways of self-identification, self-realization and professional selfdevelopment. The training will enable future teachers to gain experience of intensive communication focused on the acquisition of self-identification skills in solving certain tasks of pedagogical activity. It will help to increase the level of self-respect, the ability to accept oneself as a person, as "I am a teacher", "I am a professional", as an active participant in pedagogical communication and interaction, to realize oneself as a carrier of positive socially desirable characteristics, self-satisfaction; develop volitional qualities, increase self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-identification skills.


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