


competence, communicative competence, professional-communicative competence, psychologist, social worker, social sphere specialist


The purpose of the article is to further research the communicative competence of future psychologists and social workers. The article considers the issue of the formation of communicative competence in future psychologists and social workers as a necessary condition for their professional activity, because the services themselves are provided in conditions of close communication and interaction with clients – recipients of social services. It is announced that psychologists and social workers are among those professions for which communication is one of the main types of activity, and communicative competence serves as a dominant component of professional education. The research methodology is based on methods of comparative analysis and generalization of theoretical data presented in scientific sources. The meaning of the concepts "communication", "competence", "professional competence" was analyzed. The scientific novelty consists in the further strengthening of research on the formation of communicative competence in future psychologists and social workers. It has been found that the formation of a competent psychologist and social worker who meets the requirements of today is impossible without the formation of an appropriate system of training and development of qualified knowledge and skills. The formation of special skills for the training of future psychologists and social workers is analyzed. It is noted that competence is closely related to the experience of activities, which a student cannot acquire in sufficient quantity while studying at an educational institution. Conclusions. It is recommended for graduates of educational institutions of the social sphere to expand the implementation of educational and research work in the institution; it is more powerful to use the scientific bases of other specialized institutions of the same direction and state social protection bodies engaged in the provision of social services for the exchange of professional experience. The importance of psychologists and social workers in wartime has been proven. The actions of the Ministry of Social Policy for the formation of communicative competence of future social workers are emphasized. The creation of the «Social Education Platform» – the first state online platform for training representatives of local self-government bodies, social service providers and organizations whose activities are related to the social sphere in territorial communities – is highlighted.


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Працівників місцевої влади навчатимуть соціальної роботи та організації соціальних послуг на онлайн-майданчику «Платформа соціальної освіти». URL:

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