



place of work, factors, trends, applicants, wages, flexible work schedule


Trends in the development of the labor market in Ukraine depend on the military situation in the country. In the context of our research, global trends in the labor market are targeting millennials, a wide geography of recruiting, improving skills and updating knowledge in the new reality, the involvement of freelancers, flexible hours, mobility and remote work. These trends determine a set of factors in choosing a job for job seekers. The decision to choose a job is a complex interaction of several factors. The purpose of the article is to systematize factors for choosing a place of work in the context of current trends in the labor market. The research methodology is based on the methods of synthesis, comparative analysis and generalization of theoretical data presented in scientific sources. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the theoretical analysis of factors affecting the choice of workplace. Conclusions. Key factors influencing job selection are grouped: job and organizational characteristics, recruiter characteristics, perceptions of the hiring process, mental fit, perceptions of alternatives, and expected hiring time frame. Applicants' assessment of a potential job is based on the characteristics of the position and the organization, including attributes associated with both the job itself and the company (salary, opportunities for professional development and career advancement, flexible work hours, remote work options), market reputation and financial stability of the company, its corporate culture, etc. It has been established that when choosing a job, applicants pay attention to the characteristics of the recruiter, such as knowledge, professionalism, and friendliness. It has been established that applicants pay great attention to the selection and hiring process itself (the fairness of the processing of their data, the timeliness of the information received, the relevance of selection methods), the timing of hiring, and the compliance of the candidate’s career goals and values with the employer’s goals. It is noted that the influence of alternative options is contradictory, since it is not always possible to clearly establish how the presence of alternatives influences the candidates’ decision to choose a place of work.


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