


interaction, social interaction, features of interaction, influence, features of influence, educational and professional program, special competencies, learning outcomes


The goal of the work. The article provides a generalized review of the multivariate coverage of the features of the psychology of social interaction, in particular, typical thematic vectors and approaches to studying the phenomena of psychological influence. The research methodology is based on the methods of scientific and theoretical study: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, which made it possible to establish the specificity of modern multi-vector research in the field of psychology of social interaction. Scientific novelty. A review of the scientific and psychological source base on the problems of the psychology of social interaction was carried out. It was revealed that the psychological study of the peculiarities of the influence on the personality becomes one of the dominant vectors of scientific research. Knowledge about the peculiarities of the influence caused by the new social stage is systematized. It is stated that the student of higher education needs to know the fundamental features of the influence on the personality, the variety of approaches to understanding the psychological influence, and to choose the optimal methods and programs for optimizing the system of personal beliefs in crisis conditions and developing the informational maturity of the personality. Conclusions. The purpose of the educational discipline «Psychology of Social Interaction», the general and special competences that the student will master while studying it, and the program results of the study are disclosed. The expediency of inclusion in the educational and professional program for the training of practical psychologists of the master's level of higher education of the academic discipline "Psychology of social interaction" is substantiated, and an approximate list of subjects of classroom classes is given. Mastering the features and mechanisms of influence by students of higher education will become the basis for the development and implementation of effective strategies of interaction and influence on others. The study of modern concepts will allow students of higher education to familiarize themselves with a variety of approaches to understanding psychological influence and make a choice of optimal methods for different situations. Mastering the basics of the problem of social and psychological safety will help students of higher education to become conscious and responsible participants in social interaction and will contribute to the creation of a safe psychological environment.


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