


difficult life situations, approaches to defining difficult life situations, hardiness, resilience, adolescence, war


The article is devoted to the study of scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of "difficult life situation" and the conceptualization of such a definition. The objective of this work is to reveal the concept of "difficult life situation" with the help of scientific tools. To analyze the connection of a difficult life situation through the prism of general scientific and specific scientific approaches within the framework of modern psychology. To single out a difficult life situation as a phenomenon that is a driving force in the formation of a person's vitality. The research methodology consisted of general scientific research methods such as observation, methods of analysis and synthesis, a comparative analysis and generalization of theoretical data presented in scientific sources was carried out. Also, specific scientific research methods were used for comparative analysis. Scientific innovation. The concept of "difficult life situation" is distinguished from a number of the following related concepts: hard life situation, extreme situation, difficult life circumstances, stressful situation, frustrating situation, situation of uncertainty and others. The foundations of study are laid for more thorough study of this concept as a phenomenon. Also this article reveals the meaning of the concepts of "situation" and "life situation" as complementing the understanding of the concept of "difficult life situation". The concepts are described in view of the current situation of this problem in connection with the military actions taking place throughout the territory of Ukraine due to the military aggression of the neighboring state of russia. The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the main scientific approaches in psychology for investigating the problem of a difficult life situation, namely, the key general scientific and specific scientific approaches are considered in depth. From the general scientific approaches, the existential and behavioral approaches were investigated and from the specific scientific approaches are systemic approach, resource approach and ecopsychological approach. Our vision of the problem of defining a difficult life situation in the paradigm of modern science is described. Conclusions. The definition of a difficult life situation in today's conditions is given with taking into account the state of war in Ukraine. The psychological factors influencing the personality which are contained in a difficult life situation are highlighted. The meaning of the concept of a difficult life situation is revealed on the basis of general scientific and specifically scientific approaches in psychology such as existential approach, behaviorist approach, systemic approach, resource approach and ecopsychological approach and their main aspects are described deeply.


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