
  • Liliia Kropyvnytska
  • Olena Stadnichuk
  • Andrii Karshen



natural water, seasonal variability, Stryi River, Turkiv tourist and recreation zone in Lviv region, hydroecological potential index, water pollution index


Considering the realities of today, most of the mountainous territory of Lviv Oblast is depressed, and as a result, it requires thoughtful programs for the development of territories and the preservation of vulnerable mountain ecosystems in order to prevent the disturbance of the ecological balance. The competent and appropriate use of natural resources can increase the social and economic level of the population, which will reduce the burden on the ecosystem and positively affect the development of the tourism and recreation industry. The main environmental problems of the Turkiv region, caused by anthropogenic factors, include intensive deforestation, which affects the mountainous nature of the feeding and formation of the large flow of the Stryi River, the deterioration of the sanitary and ecological condition of water arteries due to the hidden discharge of wastewater directly into the river, etc. The data on the salt composition of the water of the Stryi River basin, its regime, content and dynamics of biogenic components within the Turkiv tourism and recreation zone during 2017-2021 were obtained and analyzed. The results of the observations indicate the compliance of the water in the Stryi River with the established quality indicators, regulated by regulatory documents, according to organoleptic and hydrochemical indicators. Almost all indicators and characteristics of water quality have their own hydrological regime throughout the year: the dynamics are directly proportional to the amount of water in the river. According to the index of polluted water, the studied water corresponds to the 2nd class of water quality and belongs to clean water, and the index of hydro-ecological potential is positive, which indicates the ability of the Stryi River in the studied area to self-purify. The analysis of the calculated index of hydro-ecological potential confirms the presence of anthropogenic load on the territory of the tourist and recreation zone of Turkiv district. Local loads on the system are possible due to road transport (the T1423, H-13 and T1402 highways pass along the river), tourists, uncontrolled dumping of household waste, etc. The salt composition and hydro-ecological potential depend on seasonal fluctuations: the largest amplitude is characteristic in spring and summer, which is probably associated with a sharp change in the amount of water, the smallest in winter. Water quality potential is reduced due to pollutant washout, which is observed at maximum water content. At the end of summer or autumn after floods, the hydro-ecological potential is restored to average annual seasonal values. The obtained results must be taken into account when creating natural and man-made hydroecosystems for the purpose of environmental safety management.


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